Several of you warned me that once I got my Fitbit my life would be forever changed and I'm here to proudly say all of you were right! The hubby snagged the fitbit Charge HR for me a week and a half ago and I've spent that time getting the hang of all that the fitbit has to offer. So far I have to say it has really helped me step up my fitness game! I've made it a point to get in at least 10,000 steps during the work week even if I'm not at work. When I'm at work it's not that difficult, but this past Monday I was off and it was definitely a little more challenging, but I got it done. It has also helped me to accurately track my Shaun T25 workouts that I've been doing. Not to mention I'm now apart of a work week challenge with a few college buddies to see who can get the most steps by the end of the week. Nothing like a little competition to make things fun! However, I think what I'm loving the most are the weekly reports from Fitbit. Last week I walked a total of 28.2 miles and lost 3lbs!
Needless to say so far I've been loving my fitbit and it's truly helped me to take my 2016 health goals to the next level! Hopefully I'll have a health update up next week.
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I have the fitbit flex but serious thinking about getting the charger; congrats on your weight loss.