Friday, June 25, 2010

Positive Affirmations

So I was on one of my favorite natural hair sites www. *sidenote: No Im not natural...I just love hair so darn much until I love reading about ALL of it!!!* and there was a post by Nikki about positive affirmations and it got me to thinking about how right she is and how I am guilty of not always being positive. She says positive affirmations to herself all throughout the day and I think that's a great thing to start doing for myself and I encourage y'all to do the same.

Often times I get caught up in what's going wrong in my life and the 50 small problems instead of looking at the bigger picture so here goes my positive affirmations for today!

1. Im beautiful inside and out!

2. I have wonderful family and friends who love me and who I love

3. God's got my back!

4. Im a semester away from graduating with honors :-)

5. Im healthier than Ive been in a long time

6. I've lost 6.5 lbs

So those are my positive affirmations for the day! Try listing a few for yourself :-)

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