Monday, February 4, 2013

L4LPSC Check in!

Hi guys! So many of you know that I am participating in the Longing4Length Protective Styling Challenge! Well it's officially time for our first check in. Here are the questions that I'll be answering.

  • What has been working for you?
  • What has been most helpful?
  • What you are struggling with?
Because it's freezing outside (well not freezing, but I'm a southern girl living on the east coast!) I've been rocking cute winter hats lined with satin bonnets. So far my hair has been LOVING this! 

Outside of the lovely EbonyCPrincess's unique protective hairstyling tutorials, regular deep conditioning, and moisturizing and sealing daily have been the most helpful things for my hair! 

Because my hair is cut in layers and is not as long as I'd like it to be (*sigh* I'm making progress!) my current styling options are limited. I'm working on improving my braiding skills for the spring! In the mean time I'm finding ways to make it work :)

So far I've really been enjoying this challenge. It's a great motivating way to keep your hair protected and growing. Until the next check in happy growing! 


  1. Nice Update. I've been PSing for this challenge too. If we keep this up, the longer lengths will be there at the end of this challenge. HHG!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait to see everyone's results!

  2. Thanks for the update! I'm glad you are enjoying the challenge and yes, layers can be frustrating at times but yours really are amazing!

    1. Thank you! I love my layers even though they get on my nerves at the same time! lol



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